Get a job
in TECH without
starting over

We help women from non-tech backgrounds realize how their skills transfer into Technology Industry roles so that they are starting from experience, not from scratch.

Did you know that 43%* * of all tech-industry jobs aren’t technical?

If you’re ready for a change – but unsure – about how to get started in a Tech career…

Let us help you learn how to pivot into tech using your current transferrable skills with little-to-no upskilling; and – instead of “starting over,” you’ll be leveraging your hard-won experience and accomplishments!

By providing both free and cost-effective educational resources, T3 Transition to Tech is leveling the playing field for women who are looking to land their first jobs in this ever-growing industry.

take these simple steps

If you want our help bridging the gap between where you are now and landing a tech industry job in the not-too-distant future, then take these simple steps now:

Join our growing community of over 12K women supporting each other’s journey into Tech!

Visit our Blog to absorb valuable content.

Browse our list of products –all of which we have carefully vetted–to see which resources can best help you achieve your goals.

Consider investing in one of our services.