The Top 10 Non-Technical Roles in Tech for 2023

Do you think you need to learn to code to transition to a lucrative and rewarding career in tech!? Think Again!!! No technical background, no problem. Tech companies look for people with a wide range of skills and experience. Here are the top 10 roles in tech that are not technical: Project Coordinator / Manager […]

The Tech Job Search: 4 Things You Must Be Doing

It’s time! You have done the work to identify your target role, you have taken some courses to upskill, your resume is ready and it’s time to search for and apply for jobs! To increase your chances of success you must target your job search. What this means, is that you have to find target jobs and companies […]

RecruitHERS Academy

Designed For Women Who Want To Relaunch Their Career on Their Terms Are you considering reinventing your career while helping others succeed? Do you love meeting new people and build strong relationships? Do you enjoy highlighting others values and strengths to help them progress in their career? Do you want to set your own goals and […]